Wednesday, April 29, 2009


This is, I think, my favourite time of year; the short period when the buds on the trees are just beginning to unfurl into leaves, and everywhere I look I see shades of light green infusing the landscape.  This picture (taken last night on the mud flats) hardly does justice.  (Aside:  just to the left of this shot, there were two kids having sex in a field!  I wondered if they knew about the fertility rites that took place at this time of year long ago in northern Europe.  This being New Paltz, probably they did.  I should have thanked them for ensuring good crops in the coming year.)


Pamela said...

I read this earlier but didn't comment. I'm sure they would have appreciated the interruption...

Squirrel said...

No, no! After, I mean. They were finishing up about the time that I was leaving.